23 July 2015 Comments Off on Managing Your Energy Part 54-B: Therese’s Response to Post 54

Managing Your Energy Part 54-B: Therese’s Response to Post 54

Wow! There is a lot in here. First, I want to say, while I’ve developed some thoughts around this subject, I still find it difficult to forgive some people’s actions towards me. I’m working on it! This post did make me think about what it is that I find difficult to forgive. I will address that first.

I find it difficult to forgive people who treat me badly if I don’t think and act the way they deem appropriate. I find it difficult to forgive people who act as if I have no rights. It doesn’t matter to me that I understand where their actions may originate. I find it difficult to forgive people who take no responsibility for their lives and blame others for everything that happens to them. Okay, that’s what I’m battling right now.

The explanation I use to help myself accept others where they are without judging has lots of avenues built IMG_2127in. I think people are mostly afraid. Everyone wants to feel loved and most of us are taught love comes from outside ourselves. Feeling lonely is the result of looking outside ourselves for love and attention. Because many look outside themselves, doing anything that is not the status quo is scary. If a person wants something different than the people from whom they get their love, they risk losing the love of those people. No one understands conditional love is not love. We often only know what we have experienced. Most of us have only experienced conditional love.

For those who are willing to search for more, they must be willing to lose everything they know to seek something they’ve never experienced. Usually, that willingness to seek and lose everything comes from a pain so intense that to stay in the pain will cause a death of our soul. We are unwilling to die so we seek. For those willing to give up everything, it can be difficult to understand why others are willing to die to stay in their comfort zone. For me, accepting and being understanding of those who stay in their comfort zone is my goal. I still believe everyone has the ability to change. I haven’t found the magic words to get people to implement the change which is why I’ve decided I must shine so brightly people want to change to have what I have.

As I’ve begun to shine more, I’ve noticed people are polarized by me. Some want the change for themselves so they sit in their discomfort to spend time around me. Some people run away from me and pretend I no longer exist. Some avoid me because they don’t know what to do with me. Some observe me and incorporate changes they see into themselves. So many ways to react to me. The one overriding thing I’ve noticed is, even people who treat me as if they hate me, are still drawn to me. They hate themselves for that and will scream at me but they will still make a point of coming around me. I’ve decided the hate is a test to see if I really can love them enough to accept them even though they hate. The fact is, I believe they hate because they hurt and I know love is the only solution. So I do my best to love.

This is a topic I hope leads to a lot of discussion. I’m always interested in other ways to view how people behave. I need the input of others views to help me get out of my habitual thought patterns. Thank you for writing about this topic, Teresa!

With Love,

This comment, along with my responses and several terrific responses from Kelly, are in “Comments” under the last post. If you appreciate emotionally honest communication, please check out that discussion. It’s a deep and lively ride! 

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