Oil Pull Promotes Health
Ever wake up with a bad taste in your mouth? The Oil Pull is a simple and inexpensive practice that can improve your health buy reducing toxicity. Reducing toxicity almost always increases and improves your energy. Here’s how you pull oil: Swish up to a tablespoon of oil–depending on the size of your mouth–for ten […]
Freeing the Heart Through the Body
Freeing the heart—physically–can help free your heart in the metaphorical sense. A regular body therapy client came in with jaw, neck and shoulder muscles unusually tense. He seemed subdued, his voice too quiet. When I asked how he was doing his mood was fine. I knew from his muscle tension pattern that he’d been up […]
Being In Your Body, Part III

(Part II is under the Healing tab in site navigation.) LINK Being in your body has great advantages, as we discussed in Part II. Being in your body is not always easy. Those who have experienced some form of abuse tend to dissociate. Dissociation means less awareness of sensation and emotion. Dissociation breaks down our […]
Authentic Expression Promotes Healing
Cultivating authentic expression and self-respect enhances all physical healing. The path to healing and self-respect begins with knowing ourselves. Authentic expression is a means to become whole. Being real is not just for the therapy room, but a way of bringing meaning and value to daily life. Our sense of meaning and joy is not […]
About The Term “Energy Vampires”

[poll id= “1”] Judith Orloff, a competent psychiatrist and highly talented intuitive, uses the terms “energy vampires” and “emotional vampires” to describe people who drain or draw energy from others. The term “psychic vampires” is also in use. I have experienced people who drain energy. As those of you who are highly sensitive know, the feeling of […]