Positive Energy Guide

Integrating Intuitive Arts into Clinical Practice

Welcome! I’m Teresa Dietze. I’ve been facilitating total health with science-based and intuitive methods for nearly thirty years. Cutting-edge, energy-based modalities are my favorite specialty. Direct application of insight into daily life is my aim. Join me! This site can be your forum to explore and discuss issues and experiences with subtle energy. Share your successes and insights too.

11 February 2011 6 Comments

Full-Spectrum Forgiveness, Part 3: Dancing with Forgiveness

Full-Spectrum Forgiveness, Part 3: Dancing with Forgiveness

The Energy of Forgiveness People do exist who can intentionally generate or draw to themselves authentic energies that produces specific positive emotions. This energy comes along with specific states of awareness that we can learn to tune in to by focusing, like a radio may be tuned to the frequencies that are “out there,” and […]

3 February 2011 3 Comments

Full-Spectrum Forgiveness, Part 2: Emotional & Transcendental Forgiveness

Full-Spectrum Forgiveness, Part 2: Emotional & Transcendental Forgiveness

Emotional Forgiveness: Forgiveness–as a heartfelt feeling–brings release and relief. By releasing grudges, bitterness, harsh judgments, resentment, self-pity, rage, anger and hatred we are more fully alive, and present in the moment. Maintaining these emotions blocks and drains energy. Energy can flow freely and renew us as we truly forgive. This experience is one of having […]

1 February 2011 5 Comments

Full-Spectrum Forgiveness, Part 1: Modes of Forgiveness

Full-Spectrum Forgiveness, Part 1: Modes of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a prized promoter of ease, grace and healing. We appreciate the state of forgiveness as a strong positive. What does it take to get to genuine, full-on experience of forgiveness? This post series explores forgiveness in depth. Sometimes it seems like there is a chasm between those of us comfortable with forgiving and […]

21 January 2011 5 Comments

Coming to Trust, Part 4: Practicing Trust

Coming to Trust, Part 4: Practicing Trust

Unexpressed feelings need to be defined and shared to establish durable and productive structures in relationships. ~Jeff Jawer Practicing Trust is the third post of a series that supports understanding what it takes and howto develop trust in relationships. This post suggests behaviors that build trust, and lists key characteristics of trustworthy people. Behaviors that build […]

14 January 2011 7 Comments

Coming to Trust, Part 3: Developing Trust

Coming to Trust, Part 3: Developing Trust

“Trust one man with your money and another man with your wife.” (Old Persian saying) When you think about whether or not to trust, ask yourself, “Trust TO WHAT?” To return aborrowed book? To keep a confidence? These things are hard for some people and easy for others. To never hurt you, read your mind, […]

7 January 2011 4 Comments

Coming to Trust, Part 2: Healthy and Unhealthy Trust

Coming to Trust, Part 2: Healthy and Unhealthy Trust

A trusting nature is considered fetching; attractive. What makes trust so appealing? How do we increase trust without becoming too vulnerable? Trust has several different faces. Healthy Trust: When we trust ourselves to effectively evaluate and respond to other people, being trusting reflects emotional health. We are able to allow others to take actions that […]

31 December 2010 Comments Off on Coming to Trust, Part 1: Introduction and Basics

Coming to Trust, Part 1: Introduction and Basics

Coming to Trust, Part 1: Introduction and Basics

Trust carries a positive energy that allows relationships to thrive and promotes growth in special ways that cannot occur without it. In this post series we will explore trust. Learning to discern the genuine energy and experience of trust from fear-based hopefulness makes a great foundation. As ever, grafting a positive image or energy on […]

24 December 2010 4 Comments

Betrayal as a Journey of Transformation, Part 6: Self Care for Serious Betrayal or Major Transitions

Betrayal as a Journey of Transformation, Part 6: Self Care for Serious Betrayal or Major Transitions

“Let despair and disillusionment ravish the garden of your heart. You will replenish it once again with the seedlings of self-sufficiency and contentment. Life never is, never was, and never will be anybody’s Beloved.” ~Meher Baba If you feel disillusioned, seek and discover advantage in losing illusion. (See previous posts on Disillusionment.) Sharpen your sense […]

17 December 2010 4 Comments

Betrayal as a Journey of Transformation, Part 5: Internal Conflict

Betrayal as a Journey of Transformation, Part 5: Internal Conflict

Inner strength, peace and clarity of mind result from knowing and accepting who we are. Self knowledge gives us the ability to chose actions with which we are wholeheartedly aligned. Moving beyond betrayal depends on knowing what drives us. Whether or not we have inner conflict, we can make loving choices when we are in […]

15 December 2010 2 Comments

Creating Holiday Rituals for Peace & Joy

What can YOU do to make your holidays more peaceful and joyful? Let’s look at ways to deepen positive feeling. Shared rituals build anticipation and allow us to focus together in meaningful ways. They develop intimacy. What IS a ritual? Anything we repeat with the intention of developing special, meaningful energy is a ritual. Living […]