LG Series 26: Where Does Guidance Come From? Part 3, Personal Experience
Personally I do not concern myself with who or what is providing Guidance–however I rigorously monitor the caliber of incoming information.
Easy enough to SAY, but how is this DONE?
I’ll loop back to that in a minute. First I need to further qualify my initial statement: Yes, there can be a lot of different types and qualities of Guidance and Guides, and we will go into this later. The only reason I can say that I’m not concerned with who or what provides Guidance is because FOR ME information is NOT “Guidance” unless it is appropriate, clean, personally relevant, and will assist me to move toward my Highest Option.
If it’s not right I won’t take it in. If a whole bunch of people were handing you notes with suggestions of what you should do, you would ignore almost all of them. If you read one and said, “Wow! That’s a great idea! It feels totally right to me,” you would keep it and take the suggestion. Eventually the sources you ignore go away and the ones you interact with become more active. So don’t ignore your REAL Guidance, because this can step away also!
Guidance is more important than Guides are. They are like the wiring for the lamp. When you turn on the lamp you are focused on the light, not on the wiring. Undue focus on sources can become a distraction. There are exceptions to this, notably when one is cultivating a spiritual relationship with a teacher or lineage, in which case the embodied guide stands as an example and an inspiration of what you yourself can be in the process of becoming. We’ll talk more about different types of guides in another post.
As I reflect on the practical end of my opening statement I am considering how YOU might do so if you’re not accustomed to monitoring the quality of your Guidance. I just realized that my relationship with Guidance has been influenced by spiritual practice.
I said this invocation daily for several periods of up to twelve years:
“Toward the One,
the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty,
The Only Being, united with all the Illuminated Souls
who form the embodiment of the Master,
the Spirit of Guidance.”
Oddly enough, I had to reflect for a while to realize that doing such a thing influences the forces that inform us! (Duh. Right?) The connection is obvious. I missed it because for years Guidance occurs naturally and seamlessly, is built-in to daily function, and comes in through so many perfectly ordinary channels such as body awareness and direct intuition.
Yes, I would say that direct intuition is an ordinary source. Like body awareness, we all have the capacity for it. Like reading Braille, it takes practice and skill to learn to discern it from the welter of other input that floods through our nervous systems, and to recognize what is of significance. It takes motivation, intention, and practice. And if someone is too caught up in belief systems, assumptions, opinions, resentment, fears, and energy debris the subtle signals will be obscured by all this NOISE.
I worked with intuitive Guidancefor years before I happened to sift back through my life wondering when the capacity actually started. While very occasional, I located in memory several startlingly clear examples of full-on Guidance. I had lived with these all my life without identifying them as anything out of the ordinary. I will share these stories in the next post.
Looking back I am surprised that I didn’t stop in my tracks and ponder where these experiences came from and what they meant; to try and put together a belief system to comprehend what had happened. The experiences spoke so clearly for themselves that I did not feel confused or inclined to do that, especially as a child.
It is natural for adults to wonder. We tend to analyze an experience and pass it through the filters of what we have been told and what has been verified by others in order to fully receive our own experience.
As we become grounded in our own personal experience of Guidance the voice of Guidance begins to spring from within.
What influences, sources or energies build the foundation of YOUR Guidance?
How do these influences bias the type and quality of your Guidance?