L G Series Part 36: Guidance, Authority & Power, Part 1: Self-Esteem Is Protection
We begin this sub-series about authority and power with the topic of self-esteem because the way we feel about ourselves forms the foundation of our relationship with authority and power.
Self esteem is essential to all intuitive work, particularly Guidance.
We hear the term self-esteem until it becomes a concept or an abstraction. The following practices and skills are nuts-and-bolts for actually developing self-esteem:
- Being true to your self
- Doing whatever you need to do to trust yourself
- Addressing your needs with compassion
- Learning to embrace your inner wounds
- Learning how to connect with others through your heart
Developing intuition without a solid sense of self (true self-knowledge, good boundaries and clear values) can create complications.
My aim in this series is to help provoke an integrated state that invites intuitive experience and operates smoothly in daily life as well as spiritual endeavors.
Self-esteem makes it possible to avoid dramas and to sort ourselves out as we begin to take in Guidance, or to have mystic experiences that challenge our current understanding.
Self-esteem makes it possible to accept our flaws, see ourselves in our wholeness, acknowledge genuine positive traits, and stay open enough to invite and respond positively to feedback.
Actually hearing what we need to know via Guidance means acknowledging that we do not know everything, and that we stand willing to correct our course in life. Self-esteem supports the deep humility required to integrate Guidance that requires change.
Self-esteem and genuine humility work in harmony. They form perhaps the only shield a Guide has from undesirable, unintended consequences that can result from the things we say to others. The self-esteem helps prevent dramas. Humility allows us to relate to others from sincerity, in service. Together these states of Being help to keep Guidance clear and clean.
Tapping in to true Guidance is amazing and inspiring. In contrast, advice offered from our egos is far more likely to lead to unintended consequences and cause problems.
Self-esteem generates resilience. Resilience and the authenticity that self-esteem fosters go a long way in preventing situations that set unintended consequences in motion. They prevent introducing the erratic energies that cause problems.
Self-esteem makes it possible make effective corrections and to recover quickly if something is not working well.
Mixed motivations underlie almost all glitches and issues that arise with Guidance. Arguably, the most common source of mixed motivation is the desire to influence others for personal gain. I am not talking about a clean and direct exchange of services for money. I am talking about false “gains” such as:
- Seeking approval or validation
- Wanting to look like you know things you don’t know
- Need to feel special and different
- Desire for power of any sort over another person
- Attempting to influence for personal gain rather than predominantly in service
The second most common cause of distorted Guidance is probably resistance to seeing something about one’s self.
Developing self-esteem slims down and takes the energy out of most of these patterns over time.
How do you improve self-esteem?
Work through the practices and questions in the Inner Work Series (under Personal Development on top tab)
- In all instances of internal conflict, clearly view all sides of the conflict, listening carefully to each inner voice and identifying their age, gender, and emotional nature when possible
- Chose a course of action that expresses your most important value in the face of your conflict and be loyal to this choice
- Never suppress anything–so you’re not blind to your issues
- Practice the Highest Possible Option (see Life Guidance Series Part 18)
- Practice real Spiritual Surrender (see previous post, LG Series Part 35)
Exactly how do YOU feel inside when some part of you desires control or power over another? How easily can you recognize the sensations?
How do the results of acting on these urges make you feel as events play out?