Managing Your Energy, Part 3: Energy Sensitivity: Moving Beyond Defense

I would like to address comments and questions before we move on. One reader said she was hoping for tips on minimizing energy vulnerability. I’m sure there she is not alone!
We will get into some tips in this series. For any energy intervention to be effective and fully of benefit, we must address the way we look at energy sensitivity and the standpoint we adopt.
My reader said she had never seen the ways that energy transfers elucidated. I have not either. I have seen lists of assorted cooties and psychic hazards. These never include the ways WE get into relationship WITH them. Virtually everything I have read about energy transfer fosters a defensive stance.
Hyper-vigilance and defense engender an us/them attitude. The energetics of this stance is similar to–and sometimes mirrors–the way the immune system operates when it becomes overactive. We begin to see potential invaders everywhere and cannot relax. This bumps up our adrenal response and eventually exhausts the adrenals. It also leads to viewing other people as threatening, or contact with people as dangerous. Feeling ambivalent about contact and isolating to stay safe is not a positive state.
What to do?
I don’t support denial, or consider denying the negative to be positive.
In this series I aim to address the CONTEXT from which we manage our energy. We cannot simply figure out how to shut out what we don’t like and be spiritually healthy. Attempts to do so can close us down and shut down awareness. To effectively address sensitivity to energy we need to work our related issues. The Pearls from Pain Series and Inner Work Series (under Personal Development Tab) speak to this. Also see previous posts on Dealing with External Energies.
I spent years learning to reduce my vulnerability to energy. One of my early mentors called my attempts “Band-Aid therapy.” He suggested “becoming transparent” as an alternate goal to energy protection. Being transparent means becoming clear enough that energy that is not ours does not have anything to STICK to, so it moves on through without resistance.
Resolving issues eliminates the energy Velcro that attracts and holds on to ambient energy. Resolving issues is a lot of work, but exponentially improves our lives.
In the short term it Band-Aids and energy protection may be necessary. The Highest Possible Option is to take on your own development and to relate cleanly with others. “Cleanly” means with good boundaries, self-awareness, and without manipulation.
As a technique, it is a good idea to set up a clear, inner statement of intention, to take in only energy that serves you in any particular circumstance. It can be convenient to “set” your state by establishing a particular intention. Trying to control your state in advance of a situation is less than ideal, however, since being on automatic is not consistent with being spiritually awake and responsive.
An ideal to work toward: Develop a fluid, responsive, and discerning state of Being, from which to respond to life’s changing conditions.
The more we become established in maintaining healthy energy boundaries and in being able to alternate quickly and cleanly from a more-expanded state of awareness to a grounded, body-centered state, the less effort and attention is directed into defense. At first this is like a martial artist learning body awareness habits that kick in when needed, without walking around defensive or being unprepared in an actual attack.
As we develop mastery, we just shift our focus and our breath in a natural way that allows us to feel at ease. We deal gracefully with potential issues before we might feel a need for defense.
This being said, while I am moving toward that mastery, I still do use methods for energy protection from time to time, particularly when working directly with clients when their energy is compromised.
I will say more about all this in other posts.