LGS #84: Working With or Becoming a True Spiritual Guide

Let’s explore the context of advanced spiritual Guidance:
A true spiritual Guide becomes a mirror for the qualities in our own souls, reflecting them clearly so we can see them through the distracting impressions of our personality patterns and emotional states. Thus we see our inner selves and become more capable of stepping into them and giving them expression.
The relationship with Guide and student is one of mutual Becoming: The act of responding to those who ask for guidance inspires the Guide to bring through and activate the energies that turn him or her into a Guide.
In a very real sense, the needs of those who ask for guidance pull those energies and capacities through the Guide.
Stepping into Guidance cleanly, in a way that will not develop egotism, is a response and a calling, not a professional aim or hobby. DESIRE to be a Guide is almost a disqualification.
The discernment to distinguish between ego-based desire and heart-based desire or calling is essential. Without this rudimentary discernment, one may be able to offer guidance on topics he or she specializes in. Addressing the life path or spiritual condition of others would be unwise.
Personality-based desire tends to narrow and bias the field of awareness. Deep heart-based desire such as the desire to be of service, to live with purpose, or to develop greater awareness, can enhance such endeavors. This benefit lessens if motives are mixed with ego issues such as having to prove yourself, wanting to be worth something, or competition.
It is not a good idea to do intensive exercises to force intuitive awakening. Such sensitivity naturally develops alongside insight and compassion. It opens in advance of these supporting skills in those who have been traumatized enough to tear the etheric fields. This compromises healthy self-differentiation, making it harder to tell our energy apart from that of others and to form clear boundaries. Similarly, psychic opening without heart awakening can cause a wide variety of energy imbalances, confusion, and ethical quandaries.
When damage has occurred, extensive Inner Work and assistance from healthy, embodied guides is required to learn how to tell self from non-self, establish basic safety, gain full body awareness, and maintain emotional clarity.
Traditionally, even advanced Guides need to be in network with their own spiritual Teachers and other developed Beings in order to stay clear, steer clear of illusion, and gain inspiration.
Resonating with highly developed Teachers feels like dipping into a living stream and becoming a part of it. Our energy fields begin to resonate with the energy, light and associated states of consciousness that these Teachers have stabilized for themselves. Their energy heightens awareness. This activation permeates our energy systems as well as our physical bodies, altering the way we experience life.
The ability to resonate with highly developed Beings is considerably enhanced by being able to relax desires and assumptions and drop into a state of BEing.
While having an embodied spiritual Teacher or at least someone to check in with is almost always essential, it is also possible to form contact with Teachers who are no longer embodied.
Resonating with highly developed Teachers who have passed on is not like talking with the dead. There is nothing creepy about it. Their energy is like a fragrance in the atmosphere. It feels like I described above. The intention in connecting is not to get mind-based information or to “channel” but to allow yourself to be influenced by contact with their energy. You are not taking it. You are seeking to Become it.
The extent to which seeking to connect with advanced spiritual Beings transforms us or impacts our lives depends on:
- How appropriate their particular energy is for you as an individual
- Your needs at this point of time in your life
- Your sincerity of purpose
- The exact nature, power, and intensity of the influence
- Your precision of attunement to this influence
- How ready you are to receive it
- Whether or not you have conflicting motivations, fear of change, or assumptions that interfere
- The extent to which you are equipped to respond through action in daily life
How have YOU felt working with an effective embodied Guide?
Have you experienced connecting with spiritual Teachers who are no longer in form?