Spiritual Community Part 6: Band Practice

(Continued from Part 5) Desperately in need of exercise and time alone, I spent much of my first day in Grass Valley in nature, by a lovely river. I was so relieved to have free time in nature that I actually cried, opening to the beauty around me. As I enjoyed the beauty of my surroundings I did two things. First, I allowed my body and energy fields to release the accumulation of debris from work and travel. The other thing I did was to intentionally attune my energy to E.J.’s, to create a smoother interface for meeting in person.
In my physical absence I still felt linked to the group. Later I learned that my initial contact person, who I feel a bond with, was using the Zone Box—another of E.J.’s energy-modulating creations—while I was at the river. She got an image of the place while I was there and cried as well. I learned this when we met in person for the first time, later that day at E.J.’s house.
E.J showed up, all in black like a mime. This did not strike me as an affectation. I sensed this mode of dress was his uniform, a simple commentary, a joke of sorts for those who know that Being is essential and personality unimportant. I may be mistaken, but he will have at least one reason. E. J. was moving about quickly handling an emerging situation. If not happy with the situation, he added nothing to it and remained grounded and relaxed.
Band practice began on a small stage in “the barn,” E.J.s active work area. The walls were covered with his evocative paintings, some abstract, other conveying musicians absorbed in their musicality.
After a period of improvisation during which E.J. played numerous instruments joyfully, he asked for song suggestions. The violinist—who to my ear was painfully out of key—suggested they play Greensleeves. E.J. managed to turn the classic tune into a highly entertaining blues rendition within moments, to the amusement of everybody present. He had distilled the emotions and words as well as the music into their basic elements and presented them baldly yet with no trace of superiority. I felt an occasional surge of energy move through me and rearrange the energy fields around me several times as the group played, when E.J. was most ‘into it.’
(Continued in Part 7)