20 March 2010 Comments Off on Effective Guidance

Effective Guidance

What makes guidance effective?

Here are some considerations, followed by guidelines below:

The most useful guidance is rarely one-size-fits-all. Our bodies, personalities, beliefs, and aims differ.

LabyrinthSocial consensus–agreement–is often considered truth within a society. This does not make it so. Prejudice, for instance, rests on social agreement.

Our perception of what is true changes as we develop emotionally and spiritually.

I have clients who hold public offices or handle large sums of other people’s money, and clients who would find such responsibilities a distraction and a waste of their lives. Teaching children has just as much influence and value. Social standing and money are not the standards for the value of your life. They matter to some and are insignificant to others. Effective guidance takes this into account.

The value of our lives rests on our inner experience of meaning, not on social approval.

Guidance or advice can be effective but not truly of service. Someone can guide you to conform to values that are not right for you. The best guidance assists you to discover and express what you want for yourself, not what others think you should want. Being effectively guided in a direction that is not a fit for you is not service.

Effective guidance in service:

  • Begins with recognizing where we are actually at now.
  • Respects our personal aims and values.
  • Resonates with what we know inside.
  • Impacts our lives.
  • Feels meaningful to us personally.
  • Is specific to our needs rather than asking us to conforming to an external standard.
  • Provides a sense of direction.
  • Provides a clear sense of how to apply it in our lives.
  • Leads to increased clarity.
  • Makes us feel “seen.”
  • Makes us feel more like our authentic selves.

I would love to have your comments and questions about what makes guidance effective. Please share below.

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