PWOS Replays!

PWOS details 24 exercises. Each exercise is a practical demonstration of a spiritual principal.

Our job in this class is to find ways and means to demonstrate and work with these principals in daily life.

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Chapter 12, Sensing

Posted: May 14th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized

Sound file for Chapter 12:

12 Sensing
(Approx. 5 minutes)

PWOS Group 13a
(Approx. 51 minutes)

PWOS Group 13b
(Approx. 26 minutes)

Please comment below.


3 Comments on “Chapter 12, Sensing”

  1. 1 Mike Williamson said at 11:06 pm on May 18th, 2010:

    PWOS: “When we sense, we do so with the whole attention, so much so that, for the moment, nothing exists for us except the sensation upon which the attention is fixated.”
    So what is whole attention? What approach to this will allow me to get a taste of whole attention? Is this the same as whole body attention?

  2. 2 George Baker said at 10:11 am on May 19th, 2010:

    The EXACT DEFINITION of the word “Attention”, as well as it’s application in all matters related to personal transformational evolution, is given by G.I. Gurdjieff on page 147 in the book Life Is Real Only Then, When “I Am”.

    The use of the word “Attention” in all publications by E.J. Gold PRESUMES a clear knowledge and mastery of Gurdjieff’s definition of the word “Attention”.

    In this same book Gurdjieff strives to provide “data and information” regarding the “divine impulses” of “sensing” and “feeling”.

    When these three aspects of self-perfecting, namely, attention, sensing and feeling, have been achieved – more or less – then this Chapter entitled “Sensing” becomes a “confirmation-of-the-already-known”.

  3. 3 Mike Williamson said at 12:46 pm on May 26th, 2010:

    PWOS: “In ordinary life we cannot remember to awaken the machine because at first, when we do not yet know exactly how to awaken it, we try to awaken the machine with mental excertion.”

    So what is mental excertion? What are the marks or clues in experience that indicates we are trying to use mental excertion to awaken the machine?

    What is the difference between the “wind and water” method and the use of mental excretion? Just as a suggestion I would say that one is through ‘whole body attention’ receptively taking advantage of the waves of raw electrical energy that is given with each breath while the way of mental excertion is more like Bur Rabbit trying to change Tar Baby.

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