Chapter 6, Struggle of the Sorcerers
Posted: March 24th, 2010 | Author: Teresa Dietze | Filed under: UncategorizedSound file for Chapter 6:
Struggle of the Sorcerers
(approx. 10 minutes)
PWOS Group7a
(approx. 47 min.)
PWOS Group7b
(approx. 27 min.)
Please comment below.
PWOS: “The question was asked from the group whether we would ever see the ballet The Struggle of the Sorcerers.”
(In response to this question), “G. laughed deeply and said he had very little to do with it, that we could choreograph and stage it ourselves, and that in fact we were the only ones who could.”
It is up to each one of us to stage this ballet within ourselves. We already have all the elements we need. So what does it take to get the ballet up and running as a stage production within us?
The Invocation of Presence p4: “Only when presence is present in the present, can the First Force blend with the Second, making the Thrid force, Being…..being is a result of the blending of two real forces.” Without some trust of this we mainly end up avoiding the possibility of the creative tension of having both represenatives of the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkess on the stage at the same time.
As I go through the rest of the day until class tonight, my intention, when the opportuntiy presents itself, is to keep company with (to be present with) anyone or any situation that repels me or is aversive to me. (I’m going to have to make a decision to do two unattended chores the HBM doesn’t feel like doing that ‘I’ have been putting off for weeks now.) I intend to open myself in good humor to following the non-verbal felt sense of the second force while allowing the breath to flow through me even when it seems irritating and “chemically” repelling. (Groucho Marx as Captain Spaulding in Africa: “I shot an elephant in my pajamas this morning. How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know…Of course, in Alabama the tusks are looser.”) Maybe not a ballet but a Marx Brothers play….The point is I need to stay in good humor while observing with impartial curiosity the “action” that can be produced by bringing the Prince of Darkness aka Lucifer (light-bearer) and the Prince of Light on stage to dance together.
I tried to recognize my own struggle of the two sorcerers. I have frequently driven myself mercilessly to “understand my spiritual lessons” when in fact I should have been compassionate to myself. The universe was not being punitive to me, I was. I can only imagine how often many of us fall into this trap.
Another struggle, even more difficult to admit, is the arrogance I have allowed to overshadow much of my spiritual work. I thought I was being helpful, but was just belittling myself and others. How many of us have fallen into this trap?
Say we make a decision to voluntarily enter into and complete a task. It could be something as simple as typing a comment on this week’s reading.
First we might dedicate the time and work we put into it to go for the benefit of all beings everywhere. Trusting in this dedication, we have the opportunity to be of some service. We can now observe the machine as the impulses of the Prince of Light and the impulses of the Prince of Darkness arise during the task. The Prince of Light might say “We must get this done and the sooner the better.” The danger here is the observer will fall into identification with with this “hurry-worry” impulse and lose all contact with sensing the outer and inner movements of the machine including the arising of this and other impulses. The Prince of Darkness will provide his share of impulses. This force is the resistance to doing the task and may through identification even result in our forgetting to do the task at all or just continuing to put it off until it is “more convenient.” However by not burying the felt sense of the second force under the hurry of compulsion or dissipating it through the voice of complaint or dreaming about how we could be doing this ot that more pleasurable thing, we can use the impulse of resistance as creative tension which can provide food for presence as we voluntarily enter into the action of working on the task.
With knowledge of both the Prince of Light and the Prince of Darkness and keeping an eye on each as they try to seduce us, it is possible to have both of them appearing together on the same stage. It might be helpful to note that identification with either the Prince of Light or the Prince of darkness are both just ways of avoiding the creative tension needed to stage the ballet. In short, any decision we make and carry out in the voluntary has the potential for producing some degree of creative tension. It is within this creative tension that the third force can arise.
(Comment received by email, shared with permission.)
I loved Teresa’s explanation of the prince of light and the prince of darkness. The idea of making the unknown an open exploration a welcome thing kind of calms down my anxiety level at the thought of change.
I look forward to the coming weeks. Thank you so much, Teresa, for all your hard work and time in getting the course online for me and others.